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New Control Panel, good, bad, or ugly?
Published on June 26, 2006 By sixshot In Video Cards
I'm sure those who have used a NVIDIA drivers know that their control panel system is rock solid and straightforward. Having heard of the new 90 series featuring a new control panel, I figure I'd give it a go since the 91.31 release is a non-beta release. Then again, since when has anything been a non-beta?

So I installed the drivers, reset my resolution on both monitors, and the appropriate refresh rate. Then I proceeded to tinker around the new control panel. Suddenly I am witnessing a lot of redraws and flickering. Then the WindowBlinds skin started going bonkers on me. Okay, minimize and restore to force a proper redraw. Tried to navigate around NV's Control Panel some more. More flickering and awful rewdraws from that. So I ended up going back to their old-style CP and sticking with it. I'll deal with that later...

I had a leftover MediaPlayerClassic player running. It wasn't doing anything but idling. Due to a setting in MPC, I forgot to close it down and when I tried to view another video, the entire thing froze. I waited to see if it'll recover. Nope. Down it goes and the machine started to boot again. Okay, perhaps it's one of those random things. I try again. Open up one video and let it play. Open another... boom, it froze again. Hit reset button. Not a good thing. Sometimes I forget. The 80 series never gave me any problem with regards to multiple video overlays. I ditched the 90 series and went back to the 80s.

Has anyone else tried this driver series and is my case an isolated one? I'd continue using it but... unfortunately there are some rather weird bugs that I do not want to forsake the stability I had just to use the latest CP.
on Jun 27, 2006
You are not alone,I to is having the same problem. Though I am not sure what causing it, I'm sure someone in here more knowledgeable can shed some light on this. I also notice alot more repainting issues with this driver and there is a slight tearing when I move my windows around.
on Jun 29, 2006
I had the same issues, and ditched the driver within 10 minutes.
on Jan 13, 2007
I recently installed a XFX GeForce 7900 GT and loaded the 93.71 driver and other than a little flickering in the NVIDIA control panel the driver works just fine.
on Jan 14, 2007
I upgraded my video card last week, from GeForce FX 5200 Ultra to a GeForce 7800 GS. I am using the driver 91.47 which was included with the card. So far, no issues...I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary on the CP either.